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Flashy Trout Vegetarian Salad aka Falling off horse for the first time salad

Flashy trout is the name of the beautiful lettuce used in this salad.  It’s a type of baby Romaine grown by Jacques of the Garry Farm in Bowden, GA.  The red speckled color might make you think it’s old but far from it.

Friend Julia K & I went horseback riding at DeDe Chase’s Farm and, not being used to an English saddle (and not entirely following directions), I slid off the horse, Casper, for the first time ever!  In the past I’ve almost been thrown by unruly horses, but this time it was only the fault of Yours Truly!  Thank heavens for a soft landing, anyway.

Anyway, I made this salad afterwards and it was a delightful end to the day, except for sore muscles.


2 bunches Romaine lettuce – If you can’t get Flashy Trout you can use anything you like.

Finely chopped or grated carrots.  Grated beets would be nice, too.

Small chopped red bell pepper

1 medium size Jerusalem artichoke chopped fine – I never peel them unless there’s a bad spot.

Handful of sesame seeds

Fresh herbs – tarragon, parsley, whatever you have on hand.  Dried is fine, too.

The kicker, if you can find them, is fresh flowers – I used yellow orange nasturtiums!   They’re gorgeous and always make an impression.  A friend never forgets the violets from my yard that I used in a salad.

Dressing:  Toss with olive oil just enough to coat, add a little salt and pepper to taste, then throw in fresh squeezed lemon juice to taste or a good vinaigrette.  (More on salad dressings later.)

I served it in a dark blue Mexican ceramic bowl with yellow sunflowers and white calla lilies that beautifully highlighted the nasturtiums!  Pretty as a picture!


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