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Flashy Trout Vegetarian Salad aka Falling off horse for the first time salad

Flashy trout is the name of the beautiful lettuce used in this salad. It’s a type of baby Romaine grown by Jacques of the Garry Farm in Bowden, GA. The red speckled color might make you think it’s old but far from it.

Friend Julia K & I went horseback riding at DeDe Chase’s […]

Bok choy and goji berry salad with miso

Several stalks of bok choy chopped fairly fine

1 avocado

Handful of goji berries and sesame seeds

Any other veggies you’d like – red onions sliced thinly would be pretty.

Dressing: Mix 1 teaspoon miso (light or dark) with ¼ cup olive oil. I use mortar and pestle but you can use fork or food […]