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Who is this person?

Are you tired of your sourdough bread yet?  Ready for something new in your quarantine life?   No food expert here, just a foodie!  Have been interested in good food, along with health and nutrition, for over 35 years.  But slim, trim and healthy because of what I eat.   I love being in the kitchen and experimenting.  Like a lot of you, I’ve had to learn to be imaginative and inventive in the kitchen, sometimes eating on a tight budget, sometimes splurging.  One thing I never sacrifice is FLAVOR!  Even the simplest, most inexpensive meal can be filled with the richest taste.  Conversely, the fanciest & priciest meal can be a bust.

There were times growing up in rural Georgia when supper was homemade cornbread in warm milk, and we never thought we were missing anything.   So it’s not always about the money.  Yes, sometimes you do pay more to get the best and the freshest ingredients.  But if you learn to cut out a lot of the packaged, processed foods or the fast foods you may eat, you can probably afford to buy better, more nutritious stuff.  It’s all a lifestyle choice.  I’ll show you how to make the most of what you have.

Are we talking radical change?  No!  Start simple, with fresh fruits, vegetables, plus nuts and seeds if you like.  Add a quick and easy salad to your diet an extra couple of times a week.  No time to prepare healthy food for your family?  How much time do you spend on your computer or in front of the TV?  Choices!

Start to shift the way you look at food and your lifestyle.  Have respect for where you food comes and how it’s raised or grown.

Will you lose weight?  Normalize?  No guarantees, but E.J., from Whole Foods in Atlanta, told me he’d lost 215 lbs (!) just by substituting healthy choices for not so healthy ones!  Yogurt instead of ice cream, he said.  He feels better, and he doesn’t even miss the foods he used to eat.

Susan may dish out some tough love re your food choices, so hang on to your hat!  You just can’t go out drinking all night with your buddies, or sit on your duff watching TV for hours on end, and expect to stay young and gorgeous forever.

It would be great to have you all over for dinner, but there’s not enough room for everyone, so I’m inviting you to join me here and…COMING SOON…on camera!  THIS SHOW IS MY GIFT TO YOU, so please – COME DINE WITH ME!

Ps. 128:2 – “You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall go well with you.”